Saturday, August 3, 2013

Arabic Lesson 1 - Pronouns

The first thing we need to do is learn pronouns.

ana - I
anta- you (said to a man)
anti-  you (said to a woman)
huwa- he
hiya - she

naHnu- we
antum- you (said to a group of men)
antunna- you (said to a group of women)
hum - they (a group of men)
hunna - they (a group of women)

None of these pronouns are like the English equivalents, so this will be a challenge for the beginner.  The most confusing pronouns are:
huwa- "he"-sounds like the English word "who?"
hiya- "she"-sounds like the English word "he", which is the opposite!


ana am who ana am.  This is me.

Now let's learn the words for "you."

 If you are a man, this man is pointing at anta (you)
Everyone is pointing at this man and shouting "anta!!!!" (you!!!) at him
"anta?"  "No-  anta?"

"you" said to a woman:
 "anti. No discussion" "No- anti. That's final"
if you are a woman, this woman is pointing at anti (you)
They are all pointing at her and saying "anti!!!" (you!!!)

Now let's learn the words for "he" and "she":

 huwa is a lumberjack (He is a lumberjack)
 huwa is a soldier.  HU-AH! (as said in the military)
huwa is strong.  

Here is the word "she":

hiya has brown hair.

"hiya has blond hair." (She has blond hair)

hiya (she)

Now let's learn the plural pronouns.

Let's talk about naHnu (us)
naHnu (we) are a family.
 naHnu stick together.
We stick together.

 Hey y'all, it's great to see antum (you guys) looking so happy!
 Hey guys, what are antum reading?
What are you guys reading?
"Hey, kids, what are antum so happy about?"
What are you guys so happy about?

 What are antunna (you ladies) whispering about? 
 "Hey it's good to see antunna!"
 (you ladies)
I hate hanging out with antunna (you ladies).

Now let's learn the "they" forms.
 He is pointing at hum- them.
 Hum are talking on their phones.
Hum are having a discussion.

 Hunna are friends. (They are friends.)
 Hunna are excercising at their gym.
Hunna are laughing at a joke that one of hunna told.

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